Literally rewire your brain and manifest for success.

  • Category: Services for People
  • Duration: 01:30 Hours
  • Location:Zoom Link




Life Coaching is carried out by video call. In a safe and supportive environment we explore what you would like to achieve, where you feel blocked and what you can do to change it all. We then set up behaviour modification programme and exercises for you to do just that, so you can continue to create the life you wish and manifest it into your reality. Life really does change just through thought. Science shows us that our thoughts literally can change our brain through brain plasticity making change both creative and limitless!

Please Note:

My aim is to respond to your request for an appointment as soon as possible.

Appointment dates and times are allocated on a first come first served basis unless an emergency is involved.

Once your appointment  slot has been allocated, a payment link will be sent out to you. The appointment slot is then held for 24 hours to give you time to make the payment. If payment is not made by this time, it may regrettably be the case that your appointment will have to be reallocated.

This appointment will be carried out over Zoom video call. If you are not familiar with this, please let me know.